Monday, September 24, 2012

"Blepharoplasty Graft"-Using Upper Lid Skin to Release Scar Contractures of the Face

Defects of the upper lip and nose can be challenging. Skin defects can result from trauma, surgery, etc. Loss of tissue in these areas can be challenging for both the physician and patient.
Scar that develops between structures that are mobile such as a joint (knee, elbow, finger, etc.) or on areas of the face can impair motion. As the scar contracts even more, motion can be further impaired and eventually further scarring can cause distortion of the normal position of these structures.
In order to allow mobility of these structures or restore them to their natural position, tissue must be borrowed or grafted from one area and placed in the area where the scar is excised. The skin of the upper lids can often be used to graft areas of the face as the color match and texture is often similar.